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. 2017 Dec 8;4(6):ENEURO.0311-16.2017. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0311-16.2017

Table 6.

Summary of model fit for linguistic cues (animacy, morphology, linear position) known to elicit N400-like effectsc

Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood
AIC BIC logLik Deviance
538127 538273 −269047 538095
Scaled residuals:
    Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
    −18.56 −0.5 −0.01 0.49 10.65
Random effects:
    Groups Name Variance SD
    subj (Intercept) 0.15 0.39
    Residual 140.86 11.87
Number of obs: 69108, groups: subj, 52.
Fixed effects:
Estimate SE t value
    (Intercept) −0.15 0.093 −1.6
    chan[cz] −0.05 0.064 −0.78
    chan[pz] 0.16 0.064 2.5
    animacy[−] −0.0068 0.075 −0.091
    morphology[−] 0.53 0.12 4.5
    morphology[+] −0.35 0.11 −3.1
    position[−] −0.36 0.075 −4.8
    animacy[−]:morphology[−] −0.026 0.12 −0.22
    animacy[−]:morphology[+] 0.084 0.11 0.74
    animacy[−]:position[−] −0.13 0.075 −1.7
    morphology[−]:position[−] 0.12 0.12 0.99
    morphology[+]:position[−] −0.37 0.11 −3.2
    animacy[−]:morphology[−]:position[−] −0.022 0.12 −0.19
    animacy[−]:morphology[+]:position[−] −0.091 0.11 −0.8

Dependent variable are single-trial means in the time window 300–500 ms from stimulus onset using only subjects and (direct) objects. For animacy and position, the coefficients are named for the dispreferred condition (note the minus sign) and represent the contrast dispreferred > mean.” Morphology also has an additional “neutral” level for ambiguous case marking, and so the coefficients represent the contrast from the respective marked conditions (note the minus and plus signs for dispreferred/unambiguous accusative and preferred/unambiguous nominative) to the (grand) mean.