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. 2018 Jan 23;7:e29915. doi: 10.7554/eLife.29915

Author response image 1. Co-ablation of premotor INs and A-MNs did not increase the rPSC burst.

Author response image 1.

(A) Example traces of postsynaptic currents (recorded at -60 mV) in animals without (Control) and with (Ablated) premotor IN- and A-MN-ablation.(B, C) Quantification of the PSC burst and minature PSC (mPSC) frequency, without (Ctrl) and with (Ablated) the ablation of premotor INs and A-MNs. PSC events were rare in both preparations, while the mPSC frequency was drastically reduced. n = 10 animals (Control), n = 11 animals (Ablated). * P < 0.05 against Control by the Mann-Whitney U test. Error bars, SEM.