The effect of rRIPostC on bleeding and vasospasm. (A) The schematic protocol for limb RIPostC. Limb RIPostC was performed with three cycles of 10 min occlusion (black rectangles)/10 min release on the bilateral femoral artery using an aneurysm clip. According to the methodology of post-conditioning, RIPostC rats were divided into early RIPostC (start at 0 min), delayed RIPostC (start at 30 min), repeated RIPostC (days 0, 1, and 2) and long term RIPostC (undergo three cycles every day for 1 month). (B) SAH score: Sham, 0; SAH, 12.57±2.50; eRIPostC, 13.01±1.56; dRIPostC, 13.25±1.71; and rRIPostC, 12.25±1.93. (C) Hematoxylin-eosin histological analysis: Sham, 0.48±0.02; SAH, 0.37±0.05; eRIPostC, 0.31±0.06; dRIPostC 0.35±0.07; and rRIPostC, 0.35±0.03. eRIPostC, early remote ischemic post-conditioning; dRIPostC, delayed RIPostC; rRIPostC, repeated RIPostC; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage.