Clonal expansion and self-transmission in patient 1. (a) Maximum likelihood (ML) core SNPs tree illustrating genetic relationships of colonies across three body sites. Body diagram shows sampling site; branch label coloring corresponds to site from which colony was obtained. Perforated boxes indicate transmission between body sites. ∗β-lactamase carrying plasmid is absent. Branch labels: E, eczema (1 lateral/2 medial antecubital fossa); U, unaffected; N, nose; C, colony number from site; ic/-18 (initial colony preenrichment, 18 hour postenrichment). Tree rooted using ST188 reference. Scale bar = ∼1 SNP (not applicable to root branches with strikethrough). (b) Box plot comparing pairwise SNP difference between sequenced colonies from different body sites in a single patient. SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism.