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. 2018 Jan 19;10:1. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2018.00001

Table 2.

Nutritional assessment measures available at present.

Methods Definition Parameters References
Albumin Visceral protein reflecting the net result of hepatic synthesis, plasma distribution, and protein loss Albumin <35 g/l as a sign of malnutrition Omran and Morley, 2000
Prealbumin A Transport protein for thyroxine <2 g/l as a sign of malnutrition Omran and Morley, 2000
TLC Calculated by multiplying the white blood count by the automated percent lymphocytes <1,500 per cubic millimeter as a sign of malnutrition Omran and Morley, 2000
BMI Weight [kg]/[height in m]2 Patients <65 years: BMI <20 risk of malnutrition; Patients>65 years: BMI <21 risk of malnutrition Markus et al., 1993; Beyer et al., 1995
TSF Measured in mm at the mid-point between the olecranon and acromion process of the right arm using Harpenden calipers Durrieu et al., 1992
MAC Measured in cm at the mid-point between the olecranon and acromion process of the right arm Durrieu et al., 1992
AMC MAC -(TSF*0.314) Durrieu et al., 1992
Weight loss Clinically significant weight loss Loss exceeding 5% in 3 months, or 10% in 6 months Uc et al., 2006
MNA A multidimensional instrument including anthropometry, diet, and global assessment Normal nutritional status (>24)
At risk of undernutrition (17–23.5)
Malnourished (<17)
Laudisio et al., 2014; Ghazi et al., 2015
MUST A comprehensive assessment including BMI, weight change, food intake Low risk (0)
Medium risk (1)
High risk (≥2)
Jaafar et al., 2010
SGA A medical history and a physical examination of fat stores, muscle status and fluid status Well nourished (A)
Moderately malnourished (B)
Severely malnourished (C)
Sheard et al., 2013a
ANSI The Australian Nutrition Screening Initiative consisting of 12 questions No nutritional risk (0)
Low nutritional risk (1–3)
Moderate nutritional risk (4–5)
Koritsas and Iacono, 2015
High nutritional risk (>6)

TSF, triceps skinfold thickness; MAC, mid-armcircumference; AMC, arm-muscle circumference; MNA, Mini-Nutritional Assessment; MUST, Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool; SGA, Subjective Global Assessment; ANSI, Australian Nutrition Screening Initiative; TLC, total lymphocyte count.