Fig. 1.
A visually guided eye movement task in mice. a The experimental design. Three LEDs instructed when and where to move the left eye. b After the mice fixated the central LED, one of the two LED targets (nasal or temporal) was turned on, and mice were required to shift their left eye toward the target. c Representative eye traces recorded during one behavioral session. Traces are aligned to the target onset. Cyan traces, trials with nasal target; magenta traces, trials with temporal target. d The distributions of reaction times for one animal (cyan, nasal target condition; magenta, temporal target condition). Reaction time range <3 s (nasal 91.7%; temporal 81.3%) is shown because of the long tail of its distributions. e Average traces for eye movement for both eyes in one behavioral session (nasal, 32 trials, cyan; temporal, 39 trials, magenta). Traces for the left eye, solid lines; right eye, dotted lines. Thick and thin lines represent mean ± s.e.m. f The amplitude of the eye movements for the left and right eyes (cyan, nasal target; magenta, temporal). The same animal as in e. g The average eye movement amplitude is shown for the nasal (cyan) or temporal (magenta) target trials in 10 mice. Error bars indicate s.e.m