Table 2.
Costs associated with self-reported service used across treatment groups at 12 months of follow-up
Cost category | Intervention mean (SEM) n=227 | Usual care mean (SEM) n=206 | Mean cost difference (95% CI)* |
Healthcare costs | 3823 (99) | 4142 (134) | −61 (−361 to 218) |
Surgery and initial hospitalisation costs | 3236 (64) | 3413 (58) | 34 (−118 to 174) |
Primary care costs | 179 (24) | 167 (30) | 14 (−58 to 95) |
Secondary care costs | 242 (42) | 458 (98) | −178 (−400 to −31) |
Costs of medication and aids | 13 (4) | 10 (4) | 3 (−6 to 11) |
Home help costs | 72 (24) | 94 (26) | −19 (−85 to 45) |
Intervention | 80 (0) | NA | 80 (NA) |
Lost productivity costs | 8443 (543) | 9653 (528) | −570 (−1909 to 692) |
Costs of absenteeism from unpaid work | 1845 (224) | 2124 (299) | −144 (−756 to 282) |
Costs of absenteeism from paid work | 6499 (425) | 7281 (344) | −424 (−1469 to 578) |
Presenteeism costs | 99 (78) | 248 (127) | −154 (−458 to 82) |
Total societal costs | 12 266 (596) | 13 795 (602) | −647 (−2116 to 735) |
*Uncertainty estimated using bootstrapping and corrected for clustering by hospital and type of surgery.
Costs are expressed in 2014 Euros (€1.00=₤0.85; $1.06).
Mean values summarise the costs derived after the imputation process.