Functional recording and kinetic model of iGluR gating. (a) Representative
whole-cell patch-clamp current recorded at a −60 mV membrane
potential from a HEK-293 cell expressing GluA2 in response to a 0.5
s application of the agonist glutamate (black bar). Current components
that are mainly determined by the three major gating processes, activation,
desensitization, and deactivation, are indicated by arrows. (b) Simplified
kinetic model of iGluR gating, with closed (C), pre-active (P), open
(O), and desensitized (D) states. The agonist-bound states are indicated
by “A”, and the conducting state is indicated by an
asterisk. Colors associated with each state C (blue), P (green), O
(magenta), and D (orange) are used throughout this Perspective for
structural representations.