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. 2018 Jan 18;5(1):ENEURO.0289-17.2017. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0289-17.2017

Table 2.

Statistical analysis

Figure Group Parameter n CI95 Data structure Comparison Type of test p/r2 value
5 VWT/no-MD and VWT/MD-reopening [A] no-MD – VA % gain[B] MD – VA % gain 56 [9.692; 53.92][11.10; 57.88] Normal distributionNormal distribution [A] vs [B] Unpaired t test p = 0.8328
6A VWT/no-MD [A] standard VA[B] long-term VA 55 [0.4854; 0.6263][0.5755; 0.8913] Normal distributionNormal distribution [A] vs [B] Paired t test p = 0.0171*
6A VWT/MD(-reopening) [A] standard VA[B] VA during MD[C] long-term VA 11/611/66 [0.5927; 0.6849][0.5339; 0.7873][0.7901; 0.9986] Normal distributionAssumed normal distributionNormal distribution [A] vs [B] (11/11)[B] vs [C] (6/6)[A] vs [C] (6/6) Paired t testPaired t testPaired t test p = 0.7291p = 0.0471*p = 0.0088**
6B VWT/no-MD [A] standard OPT thr[B] long-term OPT thr 55 [0.3822; 0.4110][0.3763: 0.4101] Normal distributionAssumed normal distribution [A] vs [B] Paired t test p = 0.3310
6B VWT/MD [A] standard OPT thr[B] OPT thr during MD[C] long-term OPT thr 11/611/66 [0.3831; 0.4072][0.4220; 0.4646][0.3795; 0.4363] Normal distributionNormal distributionNormal distribution [A] vs [B] (11/11)[B] vs [C] (6/6)[A] vs [C] (6/6) Paired t testPaired t testPaired t test p= 0.0002 ***p= 0.0289*p= 0.0783
6D VWT/no-MD [A] standard VA/OPT thr[B] long-term VA/OPT thr 55 NANA NANA VA vs OPT thrVA vs OPT thr CorrelationCorrelation r 2 = 0.2210r 2 = 0.2347
6D VWT/MD(-reopening) [A] standard VA/OPT thr[B] VA/OPT thr during MD[C] long-term VA/OPT thr 11116 NANANA NANANA VA vs OPT thrVA vs OPT thrVA vs OPT thr CorrelationCorrelationCorrelation r 2 = 0.0026r 2 = 0.0180r 2 = 0.0266
7C VWT/no-MD [A] standard VA[B] long-term VA 55 NANA NANA VA vs s/trialVA vs s/trial CorrelationCorrelation r 2 = 0.0741r 2 = 0.4973
7C VWT/MD(-reopening) [A] standard VA[B] VA during MD[C] long-term VA 11116 NANANA NANANA VA vs s/trialVA vs s/trialVA vs s/trial CorrelationCorrelationCorrelation r 2 = 0.1353r 2 = 0.1131r 2 = 0.0289
9A VWT andSC-OI [A] VWT/no-MD-OI[B] VWT/MD-OI[C] SC/no-MD-OI[D] SC/MD-OI 4554 [0.2754; 0.5196][-0.0677;0.1597][0.2492; 0.3908][0.04208; 0.1829] UnknownNormal distributionNormal distributionUnknown [A] vs [B][C] vs [D][A] vs [C][B] vs [D] Mann–WhitneyMann–WhitneyMann–WhitneyMann–Whitney p= 0.0159*p= 0.0159*p= 0.2187p= 0.2663
9B VWT andSC-OI [A] VWT/no-MD-OI, contra[B] VWT/no-MD-OI, ipsi[C] VWT/MD-OI, contra[D] VWT/MD-OI, ipsi[E] SC/no-MD-OI, contra[F] SC/no-MD-OI, ipsi[G] SC/MD-OI, contra[H] SC/MD-OI, ipsi 44555544 [1.649; 2.286][0.8821; 1.013][0.8455; 1.946][0.7713; 2.373][1.325; 1.915][0.7865; 1.150][0.7516; 1.878][0.9528; 1.487] UnknownUnknownNormal distributionNormal distributionNormal distributionNormal distributionUnknownUnknown [A] vs [B][C] vs [D][E] vs [F][G] vs [H][A] vs [C][B] vs [D][E] vs [G][F] vs [H] Mann–WhitneyMann–WhitneyMann–WhitneyMann–WhitneyMann–WhitneyMann–WhitneyMann–WhitneyMann–Whitney p= 0.0286*p= 0.8413p= 0.0079**p= 0.6857p= 0.0317*p= 0.1905p= 0.2857p= 0.0851

The table lists from left to right the figures referred to, groups compared (group), parameters analyzed (parameter), number of animals (n), lower (left) and upper (right) 95% confidence interval of the mean (CI95), distribution of the values (data structure), comparisons of (sub)groups abbreviated as indicated in the parameter column (comparison), test applied for the comparison (type of test), and statistical readout (p/r 2 value). OPT thr, OPT threshold; ipsi and contra, ipsilateral and contralateral eye; NA, not assessable; s/trial, seconds required per correct trial near the break. Significance levels were set as *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.