Table 2. Metadata table body.
Field | Description | Required | Example value(s) |
biosample_acc | The identifier found in the NCBI BioSample database. This usually starts with SAMN or SAME. | Yes | SAMN01939119 |
Strain | The name of the isolate | Yes | CFSAN002349 |
genBankAssembly | The GenBank assembly identifier | No | GCA_001257675.1 |
SRArun_acc | The Sequence Read Archive identifier | Yes | SRR1206159 |
outbreak | If the isolate is associated with the outbreak or recall, list the PulseNet outbreak code, or other event identifier here. | No | 1408MLGX6-3WGS outgroup |
datasetname | To which dataset this isolate belongs | Yes | 1408MLGX6-3WGS |
suggestedReference | For reference-based pipelines, a dataset can suggest which reference assembly to use | Yes | TRUE FALSE |
sha256sumAssembly | The sha256 checksum of the genome assembly. This will help assure that the download is successful. | Yes | 9b926bc0adbea331a0a71f7bf18f6c7a62ebde7dd7a52fabe602ad8b00722c56 |
sha256sumRead1 | The sha256 checksum of the forward read | Yes | c43c41991ad8ed40ffcebbde36dc9011f471dea643fc8f715621a2e336095bf5 |
sha256sumRead2 | The sha256 checksum of the reverse read | Yes | 4d12ed7e34b2456b8444dd71287cbb83b9c45bd18dc23627af0fbb6014ac0fca |