Figure 6.
Classification of health zones according to environmental factors related to bubonic plague, Orientale Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2004–2014. A) Classification and regression tree analysis of plague cases determined a significant (p = 0.015) high-risk class of 7 health zones (class 2). Health zones in class 2 have >72.7% of their territory in the mountain tropical climate. The increase in risk for class 2 compared with class 1 was not significant when analyzed with a generalized additive model (incidence rate 1.79; p = 0.14). B) Locations of class 2 zones within Orientale Province. Class 2 zones were grouped in the highlands of Ituri. The cluster determined by spatial scan statistics in the Ituri Highlands ("SaTScan cluster") was composed entirely of class 2 health zones.