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. 2017 Dec 8;4(6):ENEURO.0200-17.2017. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0200-17.2017

Table 4.

Differences in task-related activity and rate-correlated activity between senior control participants (n = 18) and participants with PD (n = 15)

PD vs CON Coordinates
Activity clusters (functional anatomy) x y z T value PFWEcorr
Imagery task-related (CON > PD)
    Left PMd −30 −8 48 5.55 0.042
Movement rate-correlated (CON > PD)
    Left visual areas −36 −92 4 5.68 0.005
    Right visual areas 48 −52 −16 5.68 0.005
    Left SMA −10 −2 60 4.75 0.045
    Right cerebellum 12 −56 −22 4.75 0.045
    Left PMd −46 18 56 4.47 0.039svc
    Left posterior striatum-globus pallidus −24 −14 −2 4.10 0.039svc
Imagery rate-correlated (CON > PD)
    Left posterior striatum-globus pallidus −28 −10 −4 4.29 0.049svc
Calculation rate-correlated (CON > PD)
    Left pre-PMd −30 2 62 5.91 0.001
    Left parietal cortex −44 −44 36 4.77 0.024
    Left pre-SMA −6 14 60 4.21 0.046svc
    Left caudate head −14 −4 20 4.29 0.002svc
    Left IFC −50 12 30 3.7 0.022svc

Nodes of the BTC circuits in the left hemisphere are shown in italic fonts. CON: controls; svc: significant for small volume correction within rate-correlated areas for each task from the whole healthy participants group; svc: significant for small volume correction within anatomically defined cortical areas or diffusion-based classification of subcortical nuclei.