Table 1.
The 10 Highest-Weighted Variables From the Training Data Set.a
Variable | Coefficient |
Respirations (bucket 6 max) | 4.45 |
Oxygen saturation, pulse oximetry (bucket 6 min) | −4.22 |
Shock index (bucket 6 max) | 4.01 |
Respirations (bucket 6 mean) | 3.41 |
BP, systolic (bucket 6 min) | −2.96 |
Coagulation modifiers (bucket 1) | 2.70 |
Pulse (bucket 6 max) | 2.55 |
Respirations (bucket 6 min) | 2.51 |
BP, diastolic (bucket 6 max) | 2.48 |
Oxygen saturation, pulse oximetry (bucket 6 mean) | −2.44 |
Abbreviation: BP, blood pressure.
Bucket 6 max/min/mean represents the maximum, minimum, and mean values, respectively, from the most recent 4-hour window from the preceding 24-hour time period.