Fig. 1.
Examination of the 1.28 ppm metabolite in neural progenitor cells using 1H-MRS. A) 1H-MR spectra of neurospheres isolated from the adult mouse subventricular zone shows the 1.28 ppm metabolite (*) as the dominant signal. PRESS localized water suppressed spectrum was acquired from a 1 µl voxel. Resonances from NAA, Glu/Gln, and choline containing compounds are also seen in the spectrum of neurospheres. B, C) In vivo localized 1H-MR spectra of mouse brain before (B) and after (C) injection of neurospheres. PRESS localized water suppressed spectra were acquired from a 1 µl voxel located in the dentate gyrus including the subgranular zone. The spectrum after cell injection shows enhanced signal intensity at 1.28 ppm (*). This signal is characteristic of newly formed neuronal cells. Signals from NAA, Cr, choline containing compounds, taurine and inositol are seen at the same level before and after injection of neurospheres.