Plasma concentrations of triglycerides (A), phospholipids (B), cholesterol (C), insulin (D) and glucose (E) in broiler hens fed ad libitum or with restricted diet, with or without fish oil supplementation. Blood samples were collected every 6 weeks from week 3 to week 39, in the morning and before diet distribution. RS: animals fed with restricted and supplemented diet (n = 8), AS: animals fed ad libitum with supplemented diet (n = 8), RNS: animals fed with restricted and unsupplemented diet (n = 8), ANS: animals fed ad libitum with unsupplemented diet (n = 8). Results are presented as lsmeans ± s.e.m. *P < 0.05 (diet effect) and°P < 0.05 (fish oil supplementation effect).