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. 2017 Aug 25;125(8):087019. doi: 10.1289/EHP1246

Figure 3.

Four scatter plots showing methylation levels in prefrontal cortex (rho equals 0.77; p equals 1.33 times 10 super negative 15), entorhinal cortex (rho equals 0.78; p equals 1.78 times 10 super negative 15), superior temporal gyrus (rho equals 0.75; p equals 8.88 times 10 super negative 15), and cerebellum (rho equals 0.63; p equals 4.95 times 10 super negative 9) (y-axis) across methylation blood (x-axis).

Scatterplots and correlations for cg24637308 (DNHD1 gene) methylation levels of blood DNA and four brain regions: prefrontal cortex (PC, n=74), entorhinal cortex (EC, n=71), superior temporal gyrus (STG, n=75), and cerebellum (CE, n=71), based on an independent data set dominated by females (the female:male ratio was approximately 2:1) from (Hannon et al. 2015).