Table 1.
Examples of studies of the relationship between post-natal growth parameters and telomere length and/or loss in a range of vertebrate taxa. GH, growth hormone; SDS, standard deviation score; d, day; PCA, principal component analysis; cort, corticosterone.
species | field/lab | exp/corr | growth manipulation | growth measurements | telomere measurement points | tissue | telo method | telo length or change | relationship between growth and telomere measurements | reference |
mammal Homo sapiens |
n.a. | corr + exp | GH treatment in childhood | birth length and weight SDS + adult height and weight SDS | 17 and 24 years | leucocytes | qPCR | length | not significant for birth + adult measurements and GH treatment | Smeets et al. [53] |
mammal Homo sapiens |
n.a. | corr | n.a. | mass and length at birth and 11 years | Ca 60 and 70 years | leucocytes | qPCR | length and change over 10 years in late life | weight gain in first 12 months: −ve TL and + with loss between 60 and 70 years | Guzzardi et al. [54] |
mammal Ovis aries |
field | corr | n.a. | horn length in males at 4 months | 4 months | leucocytes | qPCR | length | −ve between horn length and TL at 4 months | Watson et al. [55] |
mammal Rattus norvegicus Wistar |
laboratory | exp | maternal diet | 3, 7, 14, 21 d and 12 months | 12 months | skeletal muscle | TRF Southern blot | length | −ve for growth 3–21 d | Tarry-Adkins et al. [56] |
mammal Eliomys quercinus | laboratory | corr | n.a. | weekly mass 6–10 weeks | 6 and 10 weeks | buccal swab | qPCR | change | not significant | Giroud et al. [57] |
mammal Rattus norvegicus Wistar |
laboratory | exp | maternal diet | 3, 7, 14 d, 3 months, 6 months | 3 and 6 months | oviduct | Southern blot | length | −ve for growth 3–14 d | Aiken et al. [58] |
mammal Rattus norvegicus Wistar |
laboratory | exp | maternal diet | 3, 7, 14, 21 d, 3 and 12 months | 3 months and 12 months | heart | Southern blot | length | −ve for growth 3–21 d | Tarry-Adkins et al. [59] |
mammal Rattus norvegicus Wistar |
laboratory | exp | maternal diet | 3, 7, 14, 21 d, and 3 months | 3 months | pancreatic islets | Southern blot | length | −ve for growth 3–21 d | Tarry-Adkins et al. [60] |
mammal Rattus norvegicus Wistar |
laboratory | exp | maternal diet | 3, 7, 14, 21 d, and 12 months | 12 months | aorta | Southern blot | length | −ve for growth 3–21 d | Tarry-Adkins et al. [61] |
mammal Rattus norvegicus Wistar |
laboratory | exp | maternal diet | 3, 7, 14 and 21 d | 13 months | kidney | Southern blot | length | −ve for growth 3–21 d | Jennings et al. [62] |
bird Rissa tridactyla |
field | exp | brood size increase and food supp | 9 and 25 d, g/d mass mm/d tarsus and wing | 9 and 25 d post-hatch | RBC | TRF in-gel | proportional change in TL | +ve for wing growth | Young et al. [24] |
bird Parus major |
field | corr | n.a. | mass and size (PCA on wing, tarsus and head) 2 d intervals hatching to fledging at 17 d | 7 and 16 d post-hatch | RBC | qPCR | change 7–16 d | −ve for body size in last hatched nestlings but not first; NS for body mass | Stier et al.
[63] |
bird Hirundo rustica |
field | corr + exp | brood size increased and reduced | 12 d mass and tarsus | 12 d | RBC | qPCR | length | not significant for treatment, mass or tarsus | Costanzo et al. [64] |
bird Sterna hirundo |
field | corr | n.a. | 3 and 18–22 d mass | 3 and 18–22 d | RBC | TRF in-gel | length + change 5–20 d | not significant | Vedder et al. [65] |
bird Hirundo rustica |
field | corr | n.a. | 7 and 16 d tarsus length and mass; 16 d wing and tail length | 7 and 16 d | RBC | qPCR | length | not significant for tarsus at 7 and 16 d; NS for mass at 16 d; +ve for wing and tail length at 16 d | Parolini et al. [66] |
bird Passer domesticus |
field | corr | n.a. | tarsus, bill, wing length, mass at 9 d | length | RBC | qPCR | length | not significant | Meillere et al. [67] |
bird Taeniopygia guttata |
laboratory | exp | brood size increased and reduced | daily mass 0–30 d | 10 and 30 d | RBC | qPCR | change | treatment effect but mass not related to telomere length | Reichert et al. [68] |
bird Taeniopygia guttata |
laboratory | exp/corr | dietary antioxidants | mass at hatching 20 and 40 d | 20 and 40 d | RBC | qPCR | length and change | no treatment effect of growth or TL; −ve between TL at 40 d and mass | Noguera et al. [69] |
bird Sturnus vulgaris |
field | exp/corr | position in brood hierarchy | 3, 4, 7 and 12 d mass | 3 and 12 d | RBC | qPCR | length | no treatment effect on growth; not significant bet mass growth and TL | Nettle et al. [70] |
bird Corvus monedula |
field | exp | brood size increased and reduced | fledging mass | 5 and 30 d | RBC | TRF-in-gel | length and change | not significant in reduced broods; −ve bet TL change and fleding mass in enlarged brood | Boonekamp et al. [35] |
bird Phalacro-corax aristotelis |
field | exp/corr | cort treatment daily 10–29 d | daily mass gain 10–30 d | 10 and 30 d | RBC | qPCR | length and change | no treatment effect on growth; −ve between growth rate and 30 d TL | Herborn et al. [71] |
bird Taeniopygia guttata |
laboratory | exp | maternal treatment with oestradiol pre and during laying | mass at hatching, 10, 20 and 30 d | 10, 20 and 30 d | RBC | qPCR | change | treatment increased growth in male chicks; no effect on telomere change | Tissier et al. [72] |
bird Ficedula albicollis |
field | exp | brood size increased and reduced | mass and tarsus | 12 d | 12 d | qPCR | length | heavier nestlings in reduced broods; NS effect on tarsus or TL | Voillemot et al. [73] |
bird Phalacro-corax aristotelis |
field | corr | n.a. | mass | ca 15 days | RBS | TRF- Southern blot | change | +ve relationship between growth rate and loss | Hall et al. [74] |
amphibian Delobates cultripes |
laboratory | exp | pond drying and predator exposure in tadpoles from 2 months to metamorphosis | average mass gain per family during treatment | at metamorphosis | leg muscle | qPCR | length | pond drying reduced growth, inc predatory exposure inc growth; weak –ve corr bet growth rate and TL | Burraco et al. [75] |
fish Pungitius pungitius |
laboratory | exp | temperature during growth | length weekly from 17 to 115 d | 122 d | brain | qPCR | length | no temperature of length effect on TL | Noreikiene et al. [76] |
fish Salmo salar |
field | corr + exp | harshness of post-natal growth environment | mass at fry stage | fry stage at ca 5 months | whole body | qPCR | length | −ve for mass at 5 months in both groups; exp—shorter TL when growing in harsher enviros | McLennan et al. [77] |
fish Salmo trutta |
field | exp and corr | at 1 year food deprived for ca three weeks to induce compensatory growth | mass and length at start of treatment 1 year and at 2 years | 1 and 2 years | pelvic Fin TL | qPCR | change 1–2yrs | exp—not significant treatment effect; corr - +ve for mass-specific growth 1–2 years | Naslund et al. [78] |
fish Oncorhyn-chus kisutch |
laboratory | exp | transgenic—manipulation of GH to give fish 54× heavier and 7× longer than wild-type | mass and fork length at 7 and 10 months | 7 and 10 months | peliv fin | qPCR | length and change | transgenics had longer length but lost more during growth; wild-type showed no change | Pauliny et al. [79] |
fish Cyprinus carpio |
field | n.a. | mass and fork length at capture | at capture | muscle and caudal fin | qPCR | length | +ve bet TL in muscle and fork length; NS for fin | Izzo et al. [80] | |
fish Oryzias latipes |
laboratory | corr | n.a. | 0 and 7 months body length | repeated | whole body and other tissues | TRF Southern blot | change | faster loss during period of rapid growth | Hatakeyama et al. [81] |