Quantitative CUDA Assessment of Coronary Flow Variations
(A) Flow rate in the epicardial LAD assessed with an invasive flow probe positioned proximal to the image plane. A baseline phase is followed by a 30-s occlusion and subsequent reperfusion, inducing hyperemia. (B) Corresponding ultrafast Doppler images in 1 animal at baseline and during occlusion, peak hyperemia, and decay of the hyperemia event. The intramural coronary vasculature disappears during occlusion before reappearing brighter during hyperemia, which demonstrates that ultrafast Doppler imaging is sensitive to blood flow variations. Scale bar = 3 mm. (C) LAD blood flow variations derived from PVIs and correlation with flowmeter-derived flow variations in 5 animals. (D) Corresponding Bland-Altman plot of the data. CUDA = coronary ultrafast Doppler angiography; LAD = left anterior descending coronary artery; PVI = power-velocity integral.