Figure 2. YY1 Generally Occupies Enhancers and Promoters in Mammalian Cells.
(A and B) Heatmaps displaying the YY1 occupancy at enhancers (A) and active promoters (B) in six human cell types. (C–E) Summaries of the major classes of high-confidence interactions identified with YY1 HiChIP in colorectal cancer cells (C), T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells (D), and chronic myeloid leukemia cells (E).
(F–K) Examples of YY1-YY1 enhancer-promoter interactions in three human cell types: colorectal cancer (F and I), T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (G and J), and chronic myeloid leukemia (H and K). Displayed examples show YY1-YY1 enhancer-promoter interactions involving typical enhancers (F–H) and involving super-enhancers (I–K).
See also Figure S2. See STAR Methods for detailed description of genomics analyses. Datasets used in this figure are listed in Table S4.