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. 2018 Jan 25;9:370. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02723-6

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Activation of Gq-mediated signaling pathways in preBötC astrocytes facilitates the respiratory rhythm. a Schematic of AVV-sGFAP-DREADDGq-EGFP vector layout. b CNO-induced [Ca2+]i responses in cultured astrocytes transduced to express DREADDGq. c The effect of CNO is blocked by the PLC inhibitor U73122. d Summary data illustrating PLC activity in cultured brainstem astrocytes expressing DREADDGq and the effects of CNO on PLC activity as assessed by measuring [3H]-inositol phosphate (InsP) production relative to the total inositol lipid pool in naive astrocytes and in astrocytes transduced to express DREADDGq or CatCh. Higher resting InsP level in brainstem astrocytes expressing DREADDGq indicate constitutive activity of the receptor. e Summary data illustrating the rate of spontaneous and CNO-induced fusion of quinacrine-labeled vesicular compartments in astrocytes transduced to express CatCh or DREADDGq. DREADDGq expression in astrocytes is associated with a significantly higher rate of spontaneous vesicular fusion events. In d and e, numbers of individual tests performed in three different cultures prepared from different animals are indicated. fh Confocal images illustrating DREADDGq-EGFP expression in a subset of preBötC astrocytes (scale bars: 100 μm). DREADDGq expression is limited to astrocytes as no neurons (identified by NeuN immunoreactivity) expressed the transgene (see high-magnification inset images. Inset scale bars: 25 µm). i Representative example of changes in ATP biosensor current after biosensor placement on the surface of the brainstem slice transduced to express CatCh and DREADDGq in astrocytes residing in opposite preBötC areas. Asterisk (*) marks the movement deflection due to removing of the biosensor from the slice surface. j Summary data illustrating facilitated tonic release of ATP in acute brainstem slices of adult rats transduced to express DREADDGq by the preBötC astrocytes; k Group data showing the effect of DREADDGq expression in preBötC astrocytes on frequency distribution of all respiratory-related events and resting ƒR in conscious rats. Number of animals in each experimental group is indicated in parentheses. p values—Mann–Whitney U rank test (d, e, k) or Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test (j)