Fig. 3.
Normal-state transport properties of (Li1−xFex)OHFe1−ySe under high pressure. a A double-logarithmic plot of (ρ − ρ0) vs. T illustrating the variation with pressure of the normal-state resistivity from the Fermi-liquid ρ ~ T2 for P < 5 GPa to non-Fermi-liquid ρ ~ T1.5 behavior for P > 6.5 GPa. Except for the curve at 5 GPa, all other curves have been vertically shifted for clarity. Field dependence of b the magnetoresistance MR and c the transverse resistivity ρxy at the normal state just above Tc under various pressures. The Hall coefficient RH is determined from the field derivative of ρxy, RH ≡ dρxy/dH, at each pressure