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. 2017 Oct 24;26(3):933–945. doi: 10.1007/s00520-017-3914-2

Table 2.

QOL-ACD-B and FACT-ES subordinate items in repeated measures mixed model analyses and the stratification analyses

Itema Baseline Repeated measures mixed model analysisb
Group × visit interaction model Main effect model
Group × visit interaction Between-group comparison per visitd
Week 0c Week 144 Week 192 Week 240 Between the groups
 1. Did you have any pain or numbness in your breast, armpit or arm on the side of illness? p = 0.567
(− 0.08)
p = 0.040 p = 0.703
p = 0.007
p = 0.195
p = 0.096
 2. Did you have any bloating in your arm on the side of the illness? p = 0.250
(− 0.16)
p = 0.076 p = 0.187
p = 0.237
p = 0.003
p = 0.032
 3. Were you able to raise your arm completely on the side of the illness? p = 0.095
(− 0.24)
p = 0.581 p = 0.933 p = 0.457 p = 0.978 p = 0.848
 4. Did you worry about skin problems (redness, swelling, hot flashes, itchiness, etc.) at the area of your breast on the side of the illness? p = 0.886
p = 0.189 p = 0.705 p = 0.106 p = 0.040 p = 0.164
 5. Did you have any pain associated with your illness or treatment? p = 0.938
(− 0.01)
p = 0.151 p = 0.376 p = 0.014 p = 0.245 p = 0.078
 6. (Answer this question only if you have had operations.)
Have you been satisfied with the appearance of your breast (and/or scar)?
p = 0.990
p = 0.438 p = 0.852 p = 0.243 p = 0.711 p = 0.669
 7. Have you been satisfied with the explanation you have received from your doctor(s) about your condition and/or treatment? p = 0.632
p = 0.883 p = 0.429 p = 0.480 p = 0.764 p = 0.442
 8. Have you been satisfied with the facilities and staff, other than your doctor(s), at the hospital where you were diagnosed and/or treated? p = 0.216
p = 0.058 p = 0.216
p = 0.213
(− 0.19)
p = 0.593
p = 0.691
 9. Do you feel that you have adequately accepted your illness? p = 0.988
p = 0.405 p = 0.445 p = 0.224 p = 0.997 p = 0.547
 10. Have you been determined to fight your illness? p = 0.540
(− 0.09)
p = 0.929 p = 0.637 p = 0.581 p = 0.451 p = 0.488
 12. Have you suffered from fatigue? p = 0.549
p = 0.364 p = 0.654 p = 0.590 p = 0.320 p = 0.894
 13. Were you bothered by hot flashes or sweating on your body or forehead? p = 0.154
(− 0.20)
p = 0.047 p = 0.018
p < 0.001
p = 0.001
p = 0.001
  Age ≤ 44 years p = 0.068
(− 0.35)
p = 0.013 p = 0.093
p < 0.001
p = 0.016
p = 0.015
  Age ≥ 45 years p = 1.000
p = 0.484 p = 0.075
p = 0.030
p = 0.011
p = 0.017
 18. Were you  concerned that other members of your family would suffer from the same illness? p = 0.933
(− 0.01)
p = 0.380 p = 0.465 p = 0.589 p = 0.037 p = 0.094
 ES1. I have hot flashes. p = 0.137
(− 0.23)
p < 0.001 p = 0.118
p < 0.001
p = 0.001
p < 0.001
  Age ≤ 44 years p = 0.036
(− 0.44)
p < 0.001 p = 0.134
p < 0.001
p = 0.001
p < 0.001
  Age ≥ 45 years p = 0.809
p = 0.039 p = 0.488
p = 0.009
p = 0.243
p = 0.158
 ES2. I have sweats. p = 0.842
(− 0.03)
p = 0.196 p = 0.222 p = 0.017 p = 0.092 p = 0.089
 ES3. I have night sweats. p = 0.234
p = 0.391 p = 0.886 p = 0.302 p = 0.324 p = 0.568
 ES4. I have vaginal discharge. p = 0.284
p = 0.425 p = 0.893 p = 0.775 p = 0.421 p = 0.755
 ES5. I have vaginal itching/irritation. p = 0.834
(− 0.03)
p = 0.119 p = 0.077 p = 0.918 p = 0.675 p = 0.317
 ES6. I have vaginal bleeding or spotting. p = 0.179
p = 0.632 p = 0.387 p = 0.547 p = 0.169 p = 0.291
 ES7. I have vaginal dryness. p = 0.099
(− 0.25)
p = 0.988 p = 0.654 p = 0.582 p = 0.647 p = 0.574
 ES8. I have pain or discomfort with intercourse. p = 0.537
(− 0.10)
p = 0.919 p = 0.051
p = 0.048
p = 0.033
p = 0.016
  Age ≤ 44 years p = 0.675
(− 0.09)
p = 0.744 p = 0.190 p = 0.129 p = 0.061 p = 0.068
  Age ≥ 45 years p = 0.660
(− 0.11)
p = 0.992 p = 0.118 p = 0.190 p = 0.211 p = 0.088
 ES9. I have lost interest in sex. p = 0.524
p = 0.633 p = 0.942 p = 0.363 p = 0.743 p = 0.577
 ES10. I have gained weight. p = 0.564
p = 0.025 p = 0.646
p = 0.074
p = 0.791
p = 0.873
 An9. I feel lightheaded (dizzy). p = 0.874
p = 0.179 p = 0.861 p = 0.164 p = 0.672 p = 0.695
 O2. I have been vomiting. p = 0.186
p = 0.189 p = 0.988 p = 0.776 p = 0.178 p = 0.796
 C5. I have diarrhea. p = 0.432
p = 0.723 p = 0.855 p = 0.825 p = 0.444 p = 0.583
 An10. I get headaches. p = 0.307
p = 0.211 p = 0.600 p = 0.138 p = 0.643 p = 0.392
 Tax1. I feel bloated. p = 0.328
p = 0.239 p = 0.167 p = 0.825 p = 0.813 p = 0.553
 ES11. I have breast sensitivity/tenderness. p = 0.065
p = 0.772 p = 0.682 p = 0.257 p = 0.236 p = 0.271
 ES12. I have mood swings. p = 0.136
p = 0.561 p = 0.343 p = 0.988 p = 0.851 p = 0.672
 ES13. I am irritable. p = 0.953
(− 0.01)
p = 0.828 p = 0.516 p = 0.319 p = 0.581 p = 0.416
 BM1. I have pain in my joints. p = 0.571
(− 0.09)
p = 0.145 p = 0.482 p = 0.386 p = 0.384 p = 0.767

Bold p ≤ 0.05 except for p ≤ 0.10 for group by visit interaction (2-sides)

aIndividual analysis was not separately performed for items 11 and 14 to 17 of QOL-ACD-B due to the lower response rate to the items

– item11: Have you experienced hair loss?

– item14: Were you bothered by any change (trouble) in ways you taste foods?

– item15: Did you feel any inconvenience because you were unable to choose clothes that you wanted to wear?

– item16: Do you feel reluctant to disrobe in the presence of other people, such as at a spa?

– item17: Are you satisfied with your sex life?

bRepeated measures mixed-effects model analysis: the model analysis was applied to the change in each QOL score at weeks 144, 192, and 240 from week 96 using the baseline (week 0) as the covariate in the mFAS

cThe two-sample t test p value and Cohen’s d statistics in the parenthesis were for “between-group difference in the week 0 QOL score”

dModel analysis p value and Cohen’s d statistics: Cohen’s d was estimated for “between-group differences in QOL changes at weeks 144, 192, and 240 from week 96,” only when the “group × visit interaction” or “difference between 2 groups in the main effect model” was found to be significant