Detection threshold—comparison of the three groups. c control group, h hospitalized group, t tumor group. p values (Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test): p
kw. p values (adjusted by Holm-Bonferroni): p
ch = control group vs. hospitalized group, p
ct = control group vs. tumor group, p
ht = hospitalized group vs. tumor group. 1. Sweet: p
kw = 0.00151. c vs. h, c vs. t, h vs. t. p values: p
ch = 0.985, p
ct = 0.004, p
ht = 0.004. Numbers of subjects taken into account / n value: n
c = 63, n
h = 57, n
t = 38. 2. Bitter: p
kw = 0.492. c vs. h, c vs. t, h vs. t. p values: p
ch = 0.846, p
ct = 0.846, p
ht = 0.846. Numbers of subjects taken into account / n value: n
c = 63, n
h = 57, n
t = 38. 3. Sour: p
kw = 0.0249. c vs. h, c vs. t, h vs. t. p values: p
ch = 0.103, p
ct = 0.507, p
ht = 0.039. Numbers of subjects taken into account / n value: n
c = 63, n
h = 57, n
t = 38. 4. Salty: p
kw = 0.02. c vs. h, c vs. t, h vs. t. p values: p
ch = 0.098, p
ct = 0.021, p
ht = 0.243. Numbers of subjects taken into account / n value: n
c = 63, n
h = 57, n
t = 38. 5. Umami: p
kw = 0.000216. c vs. h, c vs. t, h vs. t. p values: p
ch = 0.002, p
ct < 0.001, p
ht = 0.150. Numbers of subjects taken into account / n value: n
c = 63, n
h = 56, n
t = 38