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. 2017 Oct 30;20(1):22–28. doi: 10.1007/s12094-017-1763-6

Table 2.

RANO criteria

Criterion CR PR SD PD
T1 gadolinium None ≥ 50% ↑ < 50% ↑ but
< 25 ↑
≥ 25% ↑
T2/FLAIR Stable or ↓ Stable or ↑ Stable or ↑
New lesion None None None Present
Corticosteroids None Stable or ↑ Stable or ↑ NAa
Clinical status Stable or ↑ Stable or ↑ Stable or ↑
Requirement for response All All All Any

CR complete response, PR partial response, SD stable disease, PD progression disease, ↑ increase, ↓ decrease, FLAIR fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, NA not applicable

aIncrease in corticosteroids alone will not be taken into account in determining progression in the absence of persistent clinical deterioration