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. 2018 Jan 24;8(1):e018569. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018569

Table 2.

Items in outcome measures

ACE inhibitors Beta blockers Statin Aspirin
Name of medication (scientific or brand) Eg of scientific name: perindopril
Eg of brand name: Coversyl
Eg of scientific name: atenolol
Eg of brand name: Noten
Eg of scientific name: atorvastatin
Eg of brand name: Lipitor
Eg of scientific name: aspirin
Eg of brand name: Cartia
Pronounced correctly Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
Name of medication (class) ACE inhibitor Beta blocker Statin Aspirin
Pronounced correctly Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
Function/s Lowers blood pressure Lowers blood pressure Lowers cholesterol Stops you having blood clots
Protects heart and kidneys Protects heart
Instruction/s Start on low dose and increase Take at the same time every day Take with evening meal Take indigestion medication 2 hours after taking aspirin
Blood tests every 6 months Do not suddenly stop taking Avoid grapefruit juice Take with food or after eating
Avoid food with too much potassium
Serious side effects Tongue, lips or face swell up Dizzy or faint Muscle pain, tenderness or weakness Tongue, lips or face swell up
Dizzy or faint Breathing problems or asthma Dizzy or faint
Itchy rash
Bad stomach pain
Black or bloody poos
Vomiting brown liquid
Treatment targets If no kidney disease
SBP <130 and DBP <80 mm Hg
If kidney disease
SBP <125 and DBP <75 mm Hg
If no kidney disease
SBP <130 and DBP <80 mm Hg
If kidney disease
SBP <125 and DBP <75 mm Hg
LDL <3.4 mmol/L

DBP, diastolic blood pressure; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; SBP, systolic blood pressure.