Figure 3. Global Interrogation of eIF5B-Dependent Targets.
(A) Workflow of RNomic and proteomic analyses.
(B) RNomic analysis of translation efficiency (TE) and steady-state RNA levels. Transcripts exhibiting decreased TE (≤0.5-fold) are highlighted in red.
(C) eIF5B-dependent targets that exhibit decreased TE, protein output, and steady-state protein levels (≤0.75-fold).
(D) Agreement between TE, steady-state RNA level and protein output.
(E) Effect of eIF5B depletion on magnitude of TE decrease across hypoxia-responsive mRNA classes.
(F) Proportions of the three hypoxia-responsive mRNA classes under eIF5B-replete and eIF5B-depleted (by siRNA) conditions.
See also Figure S3.