(H1) absolute SV via subject-independent calibration, (H2) absolute SV via subject-specific calibration, (H3) relative SV via subject-independent calibration, and (H4) relative SV via subject-specific calibration. (H1) and (H2) are evaluated in terms of absolute error ϵAbs and correlation coefficient r between SVEIT and SVRef. (H3) and (H4) are evaluated in terms of angular error ϵα and angular concordance rate CR between ΔSVEIT and ΔSVRef. The (†) indicates unrealistic solutions with calibrations coefficients not having identical sign for all subjects. Cell shadings indicate whether the acceptance criteria (see methods section) are met (green), not met (red), or met but with unrealistic calibration coefficients (yellow). The errors ϵAbs and ϵα are given as Mean ± Std and the 95% limits of agreement correspond to [Mean − 1.96 ⋅ Std, Mean + 1.96 ⋅ Std].