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. 2018 Jan 24;56(2):e01608-17. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01608-17


Analyzers used by various HLIUs for testing of specimens that might contain a high-consequence pathogen

Manufacturer Devicea Clinical area Analyzer typeb Test type(s)c
Beckman Coulter DxC880i Chemistry Core Electrolytes
Abbott Laboratories i-Stat Chemistry POC Electrolytes and blood gases
Siemens Clinitek Chemistry POC Urinalysis and pregnancy test
Abaxis Piccolo Xpress Chemistry Compact Electrolytes and blood gases
Alere epoc blood analysis Chemistry POC Electrolytes and blood gases
SynDx Medical SenDx 100 Chemistry POC Electrolytes and blood gases
Instrumentation Laboratory Gem Premier 4000 Chemistry Compact Electrolytes and blood gases
Ciba Corning Corning 865 Chemistry Compact Blood gases
Siemens Dimension RxL Chemistry Core Electrolytes
ITC Hemochron Signature Coagulation POC Coagulation analysis
Sysmex pocH-100i Hematology Compact CBC with differential
Sysmex XN 9000 Hematology Core CBC with differential

List of analyzer types (not all inclusive) that have been known to be validated and used by HLIUs for the safe testing of specimens that might contain a high-consequence pathogen.


Including analyzer types that are point-of-care (POC) testing devices that could be used for testing in the patient care room, compact analyzers with a small footprint for utilization within a biosafety cabinet, or large automated analyzers with closed-tube testing capabilities that could be used in a core testing facility.


CBC, complete blood count.