Analyzers used by various HLIUs for testing of specimens that might contain a high-consequence pathogen
Manufacturer | Devicea | Clinical area | Analyzer typeb | Test type(s)c |
Beckman Coulter | DxC880i | Chemistry | Core | Electrolytes |
Abbott Laboratories | i-Stat | Chemistry | POC | Electrolytes and blood gases |
Siemens | Clinitek | Chemistry | POC | Urinalysis and pregnancy test |
Abaxis | Piccolo Xpress | Chemistry | Compact | Electrolytes and blood gases |
Alere | epoc blood analysis | Chemistry | POC | Electrolytes and blood gases |
SynDx Medical | SenDx 100 | Chemistry | POC | Electrolytes and blood gases |
Instrumentation Laboratory | Gem Premier 4000 | Chemistry | Compact | Electrolytes and blood gases |
Ciba Corning | Corning 865 | Chemistry | Compact | Blood gases |
Siemens | Dimension RxL | Chemistry | Core | Electrolytes |
ITC | Hemochron Signature | Coagulation | POC | Coagulation analysis |
Sysmex | pocH-100i | Hematology | Compact | CBC with differential |
Sysmex | XN 9000 | Hematology | Core | CBC with differential |
List of analyzer types (not all inclusive) that have been known to be validated and used by HLIUs for the safe testing of specimens that might contain a high-consequence pathogen.
Including analyzer types that are point-of-care (POC) testing devices that could be used for testing in the patient care room, compact analyzers with a small footprint for utilization within a biosafety cabinet, or large automated analyzers with closed-tube testing capabilities that could be used in a core testing facility.
CBC, complete blood count.