Relative expression of neurotransmitter receptors mRNA in MNTB changes with time. (A) Relative GABAa-R mRNA expression in bilateral MNTB of normal or experimental rats changes with time. (B) Relative GABAb-R mRNA expression in bilateral MNTB of normal or experimental rats changes with time. (C) Relative Gly-R mRNA expression in bilateral MNTB of normal or experimental rats changes with time. (D) Relative AMPA mRNA expression in bilateral MNTB of normal or experimental rats changes with time. (E) Relative NMDA mRNA expression in bilateral MNTB of normal or experimental rats changes with time. a
P<0.05 compared to 2 weeks, b
P<0.05 compared to 4 weeks, c
P<0.05 compared to 1 week. ‘−’ Means no significant difference compared to the other 2 groups. For all 5 neurotransmitter receptors, no significant changes of relative expression were found over time in normal control rats. However, in experimental rats, they decreased consistently at 4 weeks compared to 2 weeks in left MNTB (P<0.05).