Figure 2. The TORC2 network is modulated by nutrients.
(A) Wildtype and rts1Δ cells were grown to early log phase at 22°C in YPD medium. Cells were washed into YPG/E medium and the behavior of Mss4-3XHA was assayed by western blotting at the indicated times. (B) Wildtype and rts1Δ cells were shifted from rich to poor carbon as in (A). Ypk-pT662, Ypk-pT504 and Ypk1 were assayed by western blot. (C) Wildtype and rts1Δ cells were grown at 22°C to early log phase in YEP media containing glucose (Glu), galactose (Gal) or glycerol/ethanol (GE). Ypk-pT662, Ypk-pT504 and Ypk1 were assayed by Western blotting. An asterisk indicates a non-specific band. See also Figure S2 and Table S1.