Fig. 4.
Physical mapping of all seven chromosomes of Th. bessarabicum based on combining genotyping results of wheat-Th. bessarabicum recombinant lines with sc-GISH images of the recombinant chromosomes and structural aberrations. All chromosome linkage groups show a subset of markers from each segmental block (represented by a different colour) present on that chromosome. Genotyping results show ‘h’ in red representing presence of marker and ‘a’ in blue representing absence of marker. a Chromosome 1J is divided into 4 segmental blocks based on the analysis of 3 recombinants and 2 structural aberrations. b Chromosome 2J is divided into 5 segmental blocks based on the analysis of 2 recombinants and 2 structural aberrations. c Chromosome 3J is divided into 5 segmental blocks based on the analysis of 2 recombinants and 2 structural aberrations. d Chromosome 4J is divided into 3 segmental blocks based on the analysis of 2 recombinants and 1 structural aberration. e Chromosome 5J is divided into 5 segmental blocks based on the analysis of 2 recombinants and 2 structural aberrations. f Chromosome 6J is divided into 6 segmental blocks based on the analysis of 1 recombinant and 3 structural aberrations. g Chromosome 7J is divided into 8 segmental blocks based on the analysis of 1 recombinant and 5 structural aberrations