Figure 1.
IgM-binding antibodies to an array of recombinant human proteins in the sera from cyprinid herpes virus 3 (CyHV-3) infection-survivor and healthy carp. Individual carp sera from CyHV-3 infection-survivor with high anti-CyHV-3 titers and healthy carp with no anti-CyHV-3 titers were screened for IgM binding to an array of 128 human proteins. Sera from CyHV-3 infection-survivor (n = 3) and healthy (n = 2) carp were 100-fold diluted and incubated with the protein arrays. IgM binding was detected with the corresponding Cy3-labeled anti-carp IgM MAb8. Backgrounds resulting from arrays incubated in the absence of sera were subtracted. (A) IgM binding of sera from CyHV-3 infection survivor versus healthy carp sera. (B) Folds versus healthy carp sera, folds calculated for each protein by the formula, fluorescence of CyHV-3 infection-survivor carp sera/mean of fluorescences of the healthy carp sera. Each circle represents one of the proteins in the array. Black circles—IgM binding of CyHV-3 infection-survivor carp 1. Red circles—IgM binding of CyHV-3 infection-survivor carp 2. Open circles—IgM binding of CyHV-3 infection-survivor carp 3.