Representative image of tumors formed in either side of mice injected with H1299 PRR14 and its control H1299 V cells (A), H1299 shPRR14 and its control H1299 shCon cells (D), H1299 GFP-PRR14-2 and its control H1299 GFP cells (F), or either PRR14 mutants overexpressing cells (H1299 m1 or H1299 m2) and their wildtype overexpressing cells (H and J). Tumors were weight and presented as the mean± S.D (n=3). Two-tailed student's t test was employed to determine the significance of the difference between two groups (B, E, G, I, K). Totally 2 shRNAs targeting 2 different sites of PRR14 were employed to establish H1299 PRR14-deficient cell line and their efficiency were determined by RT-qPCR. PRR14 mRNA level were presented as the mean± S.D (n=3). Two-tailed student's t test was employed to determine the significance of the difference between two groups (C).