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. 2018 Jan 29;13(1):e0191704. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0191704

Table 3. Threshold point values (>0.8) for the twelve environmental variables and the three most suitable areas identified by the model in Kruger National Park for Bacillus anthracis occurrence (see Fig 1).

Section Pafuri Shingwedzi Letaba Kruger National Park mean (range)
n pixels in area of interest 1646 3834 4447 18921
n cases in area of interest 302 131 81 597
n pixels containing cases 68 90 26 219
n pixels > = 0.8 threshold 75 50 4 134
Altitude (altitude) 228.806 281 225.933 292 (145–570)
Calcium (caventer) 171.835 184.626 198.049 148 (10–282)
Ephemeral Water Distance (ephdist) 2069.046 0 13181.526 3618 (0 –
Seasonal Water Distance (seasdist) 3169.587 0 7038.007 4124 (0–14764)
Permanent Water Distance (permdist) 2190.000 46840.200 733.333 12461 (0–53450)
Geology Venter (geologyventer) LB, CS, AL AL EC LB, CS, AL, EC
INDVI (indvi) 8.589 9.368 8.868 7.34 (-775–15)
Landscape (landscapegert) 25,28 35 21,22 21, 22, 25, 28, 35
Landtype (ltypeventer) Pa04,Pa05 Le05 Le01 Le01, Le05, Pa04, Pa05
Precipitation Driest Quarter (precdryq) 9 14 23.733 14.7 (8–36)
SOTER Soil ID (sotersoilid) ZA21,ZA22 ZA115 ZA282 ZA21, ZA22, ZA115, ZA282
Temperature Seasonality (tempseasonality) 3389.097 3687 3759.9333 3439 (2838–3828)

LB–Karoo system; Olivine rich basalts, sub-ordinate alkali basalts, shoshonites [41]. CS–Karoo system; Fine grained sandstone, mudstone, chert (Cave sandstone and redbed stages) [41]. AL–Quarternary; Alluvium [41]. EC–Karoo system; Shale with coal seams, mudstone, grit (Ecca series) [41]. 15 –Colophospermum mopane forest. 21 –Combretum / Acacia nigrescens rugged veld. 22 –Combretum / Colophospermum mopane rugged veld. 25 –Adansonia digitata / Colophospermum mopane rugged veld. 28 –Limpopo / Luvuvhu floodplain. 35 –Salvadora angustifolia floodplains. ZA21, ZA115 –Eutric cambisols (A cambisol (CM) can be defined as having either a cambic or a mollic horizon. A cambic horizon is a weakly developed mineral soil horizon and a mollic horizon is a surface horizon of mineral soil that is dark in colour, relatively deep and contains (dry weight) at least 1% organic matter or 0.6% organic carbon) [28]. Le01: Letaba landtype; Le05: Shingwedzi Landtype; includes the Shingwedzi river; Pa04 and 05: Pafuri Landtype [25]. ZA22 –Eutric leptosols (A leptosol (LP) can be defined through a limit in depth by continuous hard rock within 25 cm from the soil surface, overlying material with a calcium carbonate equivalent of more than 40 percent within 25 cm from the soil surface or less than 10 percent (by weight) fine earth to a depth of 75 cm or more from the soil surface) [28]. ZA282 –Leptic phaeozems (Continuous rock starting between 50 and 100 cm from the soil surface with a mollic horizon and (1) a base saturation of 50 percent or more and no secondary carbonates, at least to a depth of 100 cm from the soil surface and (2) with no diagnostic horizons other than an albic, argic, cambic or vertic horizon) [28].