a: Results of the Human Cancer Pathway Finder array. PAX5-silenced NUEC1 cells (Y axis) were compared with negative control-transfected NUEC1 cells (X axis). We set the optimal threshold as fold change >4.0 or <−4.0. Significantly upregulated genes in PAX5-silenced cells were CCL2 (Fold change: 12.5), GSC (4.1), LPL (7.8), and SLC2A1 (4.6). Significantly downregulated genes in PAX5-silenced cells were CCND2 (Fold change: -25.1), IGFBP5 (-5.0), and TEK (-39.9). b: SLC2A1 gene expression in the 78 ESCC clinical samples. SLC2A1 overexpression in the tumor occurred in the majority of PAX5-downregulated tumor cases. c: WST-1 assays comparing PAX5 siRNA-transfected ESCC cells (NUEC1, TE3) and negative control-transfected cells under a wide range of cisplatin concentrations. In both cell lines, PAX5-silenced cells showed significantly higher cell proliferation than control cells.