High expression of miR-367 in cancer tissues are closely related to Wnt signaling and let-7c. (A) qRT-PCR analysis of miR-367 and let-7c expression in NSCLC tissues and adjacent non-tumor lung tissues. (P = 0.0015, Student's t-test). (B-C) The relative expression and linear correlation of miR-367 and TCF4 in NSCLC tissues respectively (Spearman R: 0.7286, p < 0.0001, Spearman rank correlation test). (D-E) Analysis of relationship between miR-367 and Wnt1 in NSCLC tissues using the same statistical method (Spearman R: 0.7286, p < 0.0001,). (F-I) Linear regression and qRT-PCR analysis of miR-367 and let-7c expression in tumor tissue (F-G) and adjacent tissue (H-I) respectively (*p < 0.05, both of assay). These experiments were repeated three times, statistical significance level: *p < 0.05.