Marker expression analysis indicates abnormal morphology and patterning of root cells in rpk1 toad2/+ mutants. Representative confocal images of DR5rev::GFP (A–C), PIN1p::PIN1-GFP (D–F and D′–F′), SCRp::GFP-NLS (G–I), and WOX5p::GFP-NLS (J–L) expression, and QC25::GUS and QC184::GUS localization (M) in wild-type (WT) and rpk1-1 toad2/+ roots. (D′–F′) represent a close-up view of the GFP channel in the region marked by boxes in (D–F), the white arrowheads indicate the localization of PIN1 at the plasma membrane in the cortex (Co) and endodermis (En). Mutant roots of the short and medium root length phenotypic classes are indicated. Seven-day-old seedling roots were imaged in (A–F) and (J–M), and 5-day-old roots were used in (G–I). White arrowheads in (G–I) indicate endodermal cells lacking a green fluorescent signal. The red counterstain is propidium iodide (PI) and the green is GFP fluorescence (A–L). Roots in M are stained with X-Gluc for GUS activity (blue) and with Lugol’s solution for starch granules (brown). Arrows in M mark the position of the QC. Bar, 20 µm.