(A) Cell viability in PEG/PLGA–NPs, also named NPs. (B) Cell viability of scFV–NPs under the condition of different transfection amount. (C and F) Cell viability of control, METase–/Pemetrexed–NPs and scFV–METase–/Pemetrexed–NPs. (D and G) Free METase levels in vitro. (E and H) METase activity in vitro. Methioninase activity was measured with 3-methyl-2-benzothiazoline hydrazone. Cellular free methionine levels were measured by OPA-derivitized amino acids separated by high-performance liquid chromatography (see “Materials and methods” section for a description of procedures). In figure panel (B), *P<0.05 vs scFV–Nps with 0 μg/ml transfection amount. In figure panels (C–F), *P<0.05, **P<0.01 comparison between groups.