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. 2018 Jan 15;8(1):13. doi: 10.3390/ani8010013

Table 2.

Effect of litter origin on social network measures calculated using HWI 1 of pigs at 6 and 8 weeks of age.

Item Litter Origin SE p-Value
Non-Littermates Half-Group of Littermates Littermates
# of pens 6 6 6
Pigs/pen 8 8 8
Time budget for lying posture, % of observation time
  At 6 weeks of age 68.4 66.9 59.6 4.32 0.32
  At 8 weeks of age 88.5 85.5 82.9 3.78 0.59
Social network measures
At 6 weeks of age
Pen level
  Density 2 0.174 a 0.158 a,b 0.119 b 0.012 0.01
  Distribution of ties3
   Absent ties 12.0 a 16.5 a,b 19.8 b 1.66 0.01
   Weak ties 14.2 a 9.3 a,b 6.2 b 1.25 0.002
   Strong ties 1.8 2.2 2.0 0.06 0.92
Pig level
  Strength 1.219 a 1.104 a 0.903 b 0.058 0.001
  Eigenvector centrality 0.347 0.347 0.335 0.012 0.74
At 8 weeks of age
Pen level
  Density 0.170 e 0.154 e,f 0.135 f 0.010 0.07
  Distribution of ties
   Absent ties 15.7 16.2 18.3 1.64 0.50
   Weak ties 10.3 10.2 7.2 1.30 0.16
   Strong ties 2.0 1.7 2.5 0.58 0.61
Pig level
  Strength 1.188 a 1.075 a 0.943 b 0.006 0.001
  Eigenvector centrality 0.355 0.344 0.346 0.012 0.76

1 HWI = half-weight association index. 2 Density = sum of HWI/28. 3 The number of each type (absent, weak, or strong) of ties. The number of possible ties was 28 for each pen of 8 pigs. a,b Least square means within a row without a common superscript differ (p < 0.05). e,f Least square means within a row without a common superscript tend to differ (p < 0.10).