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. 2018 Jan 30;18:23. doi: 10.1186/s12890-018-0592-x

Table 1.

Patient characteristics

Case no. Age Sex PS Tumor type Stage Smoking history Treatment line Treatment cycle Diagnosis to treatments Initiation of nivolumab to onset of pneumonitis Radiographic pattern Distribution Major lesion CTCAE grade pneumonitis Treatment for pneumonitis Outcome of penumonitis Survival from initiations of nivolumab
1 71 Male 1 MM IV No 2nd 1 61 months 17 days NSIP Bilateral Lt lower lobe 1 None Remission 158 days
2 46 Male 1 NSCLC IV No 4th 1 23 months 12 days COP Bilateral Rt upper lobe 3 Corticosteroids Remission 109 days
3 58 Male 1 NSCLC IV 54 7th 1 43 months 13 days COP Bilateral Rt upper lobe 3 Corticosteroids Remission 172 days
4 58 Male 1 HNC Iva 52.5 5th 2 36 months 18 days COP Right Right 3 Corticosteroids Remission 156 days

PS performance status, MM malignant melanoma, NSCLC non-small cell lung cancer, HNC head and neck cancer, CTCAE common terminology criteria for adverse events V4.0, NSIP nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, COP cryotpgenic organizing pneumonia, Lt left, Rt right