Table 1.
Case no. | Age | Sex | PS | Tumor type | Stage | Smoking history | Treatment line | Treatment cycle | Diagnosis to treatments | Initiation of nivolumab to onset of pneumonitis | Radiographic pattern | Distribution | Major lesion | CTCAE grade pneumonitis | Treatment for pneumonitis | Outcome of penumonitis | Survival from initiations of nivolumab |
1 | 71 | Male | 1 | MM | IV | No | 2nd | 1 | 61 months | 17 days | NSIP | Bilateral | Lt lower lobe | 1 | None | Remission | 158 days |
2 | 46 | Male | 1 | NSCLC | IV | No | 4th | 1 | 23 months | 12 days | COP | Bilateral | Rt upper lobe | 3 | Corticosteroids | Remission | 109 days |
3 | 58 | Male | 1 | NSCLC | IV | 54 | 7th | 1 | 43 months | 13 days | COP | Bilateral | Rt upper lobe | 3 | Corticosteroids | Remission | 172 days |
4 | 58 | Male | 1 | HNC | Iva | 52.5 | 5th | 2 | 36 months | 18 days | COP | Right | Right | 3 | Corticosteroids | Remission | 156 days |
PS performance status, MM malignant melanoma, NSCLC non-small cell lung cancer, HNC head and neck cancer, CTCAE common terminology criteria for adverse events V4.0, NSIP nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, COP cryotpgenic organizing pneumonia, Lt left, Rt right