(a) Pie diagram indicating the different functional classes of activated and repressed Ikaros target genes in pro-B cells. Regulated Ikaros target genes coding for cell surface protein, signal transducer and transcription factors are shown below and ranked according to their fold expression changes observed between in vitro cultured Ikzf1Δ/– and Ikzf1Δ/+ pro-B cells (Fig. 3f; Supplementary Table 1). The color code refers to >10-fold (green), 5-10-fold (blue), 4-5-fold (red) and 3-4-fold (black). Underlined target genes were jointly activated or repressed by Ikaros and Pax5 (ref. 20). The number sign (#) indicates genes with low expression levels in ex vivo sorted pro-B cells, i.e. < 5 RPKM in Ikzf1Δ/+ pro-B cells for activated target genes and < 5 RPKM in Ikzf1Δ/– pro-B cells for repressed target gene. Asterisks indicate genes, which were not regulated (< 1.4-fold) in short-term cultured Ikzf1Δ/–
Rag2–/– and Ikzf1Δ/+
Rag2–/– pro-B cells. (b) Validation of regulated Ikaros target genes at the protein level. In vitro cultured and ex vivo c-Kithi pro-B cells (CD19+CD2–IgM–IgD–) of the Cd79a-Cre Ikzf1fl/– (Δ/–; black line) and Cd79a-Cre Ikzf1fl/+ (Δ/+; grey) genotypes were analyzed by flow cytometry for the expression of cell surface proteins encoded by activated (Icam1, Bst1) and repressed (Cd22) target genes as well as by the indirectly repressed gene Cd72. (c) Aiolos expression in Ikzf1 mutant pro-B cells. Aiolos expression was analyzed by intracellular staining of in vitro cultured and ex vivo c-Kithi pro-B cells (CD19+CD2–IgM–IgD–) from the Cd79a-Cre Ikzf1fl/– (Δ/–; black line) and Cd79a-Cre Ikzf1fl/+ (Δ/+; grey) mice. Small pre-B cells (c-Kit–CD19+B220+CD2+IgM–IgD–; dashed line) of control mice are shown for comparison.