Figure 5. PPP1R14C RNAi depletion partially restores a non-malignant prostate genotype.
(A) Volcano plot representing the differential gene expression quantified by RNA-seq following RNAi depletion of PPP1R14C in LNCaP cells cultured in steroid depleted media supplemented with 10 nM DHT. (B–C) GSEA of the PPP1R14C RNAi gene expression profile demonstrates significant and negative enrichment of genes associated with the Hallmark_Androgen_Response geneset(curated geneset derived from 8 independent studies investigating androgen responsive genes) and the Reactome_Cell_Cycle gene set, respectively. (D) Representative example of cell cycle analysis of LNCaP cells depleted of PPP1R14C as quantified by PI flow cytometry. (E) Western blot analysis of total RB1, pRB1 S807/811 and E2F1 protein expression following PPP1R14C depletion in LNCaP cells cultured in full media. (F) GSEA of the PPP1R14C RNAi gene expression profile demonstrates significant and negative enrichment of genes associated with the Hallmark_E2F_Targets geneset (curated geneset derived from 6 independent studies investigating E2F transcription factor target genes). (G) GSEA of the PPP1R14C RNAi gene expression profile with 5 independent studies investigating differential gene expression of PC samples vs matched paired normal prostate tissue. Figure displays geneset size and normalised enrichment score.