Representative images of CA4P-treated, fluorescent immunohistochemically stained paraffin sections of subcutaneous xenograft tumors including untreated control (Row 1), 3 hours post-CA4P (Row 2), and 24 hours post-CA4P (Row 3). Bar graphs indicate the mean grey intensity of 10 ROIs quantified with cellSens dimension software (Olympus). Data are presented as mean ± SEM (n=10, *p value < 0.05; **p value < 0.005; scale bar, 20 μm). (A) ALAS1 is significantly elevated 3 hours post-treatment. Anti-ALAS1 antibody (red), DAPI for nuclei (blue), and merged image (red and blue). (B) HCP1 is significantly elevated 3 hours and 24 hours post-treatment. Anti-HCP1 antibody (red), DAPI for nuclei (blue), and merged image (red and blue). (C) HRG1 is significantly elevated 24 hours post-treatment. Anti-HRG1 antibody (red), DAPI for nuclei (blue), and merged image (red and blue). (D) HO-1 is significantly elevated 24 hours post-treatment. Anti-HO-1 antibody (red), DAPI for nuclei (blue), and merged image (red and blue).