Analysis of extracellular protein profile and viability of E. coli during recombinant protein expression. (A) Extracellular protein profile of E. coli BL21(DE3)pET-GOI during transition/early stationary phase. The recombinant protein is indicated by an asterisk. (B) Intracellular (Intra) and medium (M) localizations of eGFP and cell growth (OD600) over time monitored by SDS-PAGE (M) and RFU normalized to cell density (RFU/OD600). (C) SDS-PAGE of the total intracellular fraction (T), the soluble intracellular fraction from sonicated cells (S), and the extracellular fraction (E) at 20 h postinduction. (D) CFU assays in the absence (UI) and presence of induction (I, 250 μM IPTG) over time. (E) Cell growth (top) and extracellular eGFP localization (bottom) monitored after addition of Cm at the time indicated by the arrow. In panels B, D, and E, data are the mean of at least three biological replicates ± the standard deviation.