Fig 4. Summary of Psychophysiological Interaction (PPI) results.
The figure shows conjunction analyses of emotion-characteristic functional connectivities for different auditory seed regions: Panel a shows the conjunction analysis of the PPI results for left and right primary auditory cortex (PAC) as seed regions, panel b shows the conjunction analysis of the PPI results for left and right planum polare (p.p.) as seed regions, and panel c shows the conjunction analysis of the PPI results for the left and right planum temporale (p.t.) as seed regions. Note that, for each seed region, a PPI analysis was computed. Then, regardless of whether the functional connectivity with a seed region was stronger during fear (compared with joy) or during joy (compared with fear), all significant results were included in the conjunction analysis. Red colour indicates voxels that showed emotion-characteristic functional connectivity with both left and right auditory regions, green colour indicates voxels that showed emotion-characteristic functional connectivity with left auditory regions only, and blue colour indicates voxels that showed emotion-characteristic functional connectivity with right auditory regions only (Tables 4, 5 and 6 provide information about whether the functional connectivity in each of these regions was stronger during fear compared with joy, or during joy compared with fear stimuli). Arrowheads indicate emotion-characteristic functional connectivity of left PAC with parahippocampal cortex bilaterally (panel a), of both left and right p.p. with the left ventral striatum (left of panel b), of the left p.p. with the left insula, and the right p.p. with the right insula (right of panel b), and of the right p.t. with right insular cortex (panel c).