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. 2018 Jan 19;14(1):e1007185. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007185

Fig 2. Toy/Tsh are required during successive temporal waves for eye-antennal disc development.

Fig 2

(A-M) tub-GAL80ts; DE>toy RNAi + tsh RNAi. (A,D,G,J) Dorsal view of adult heads. (B,E,H,K) Side view of adult heads. (C,F,I,L) Light microscope images of eye-antennal discs from third instar larvae. Anterior is to the right. Eye-antennal discs were stained with an antibody that recognizes the pan-neuronal marker ELAV. Removal of Toy and Tsh at different times in development results in four major categories of phenotypes: (A-C) Headless, the red arrows mark the greatly reduced eye-antennal discs. (D-F) Head defects with antennal duplications, the orange arrows mark the duplicated antennal segments. (G-I) Head defects with small eyes. (J-L) Wild type-looking heads and eye-antennal discs. (M) Time-course of Toy/Tsh removal during development. Embryos/larvae were first kept at the permissive temperature of GAL80 (18°C) for the times listed on the X-axis before being shifted to the non-permissive temperature (30°C). Animals were either dissected as late third instar larvae or allowed to reach the pharate adult stage. The graph shows the percentage of animals that have each of the four phenotypes (Y-axis) during each experiment. (N ≥ 100 in each experiment) (Scale bars, 100 μm).