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. 2017 Aug 31;123(5):1371–1385. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00321.2017

Table 1.

Determinants of O2 transport and their average values in long-term highland groups and acclimatized newcomers studied at ~3,600–4,300 m

Variable Acclimatized Newcomer (AN) Andeans (A) Tibetans (T) Ethiopians (E) Summary
PaCO2 or PETCO2a, mmHg 30b (Refs. 176, 177) Higher (= 32a) (Ref. 176) Same (= 30) (Ref. 176) Higher (= 38) (Ref. 32) (AN = T) < A < E
A-aDO2c, mmHg 7c–11d (Refs. 150, 177) Lower (= 4c) (Ref. 150) Lower (= 7c) ? AN > (A = T)
SaO2, % 92 (Refs. 24, 27, 137) Same (= 91) (Refs. 10, 70, 137, 176) Lower (= 88) (Refs. 10, 70, 137, 176) Higher (= 95) (Ref. 8) or Same (= 92) (Ref. 58) (AN = A) > T
Hemoglobin, gm/dl 17.6 (Refs. 24, 27) Same (= 17) (Refs. 8, 83) Lower (= 15e–18f) (Refs. 8, 133, 160, 176) Lower? (= 15g–16h (Refs. 10, 129) (AN = A) > (T = E)
CaO2, vol%i 21 (Refs. 24, 27) Same (= 21) Same (= 21) Lower (= 19, 20) (AN = A = T) > E
Cardiac output Same Same ? ?
Ppa hypoxic response Present Intermediate (Ref. 52) Absent (Ref. 52) Intermediate (Ref. 58) AN > (A = E) > T
Brain blood flow, cm/s 27j (Ref. 62) Lower (−18%k) (Ref. 70) Higher (= 29j,+6.2%k) (Refs. 62, 70) ? (AN < T) > A
Uterine blood flow, ml/min 269 (Ref. 101) Higher (= 452) (Ref. 101) Higherl ? AN < (T = A)
O2 metabolismm Higher Higher ? AN < (T = A)

A-aDO2,  alveolar-to-arterial O2 diffusion gradient; AN, acclimatized newcomers of various populations; Cao2, arterial O2 content; PaCO2 or PETCO2, arterial or end-tidal Pco2, respectively; Ppa, pulmonary arterial pressure; SaO2, arterial O2 saturation.


PaCO2 or PETCO2 are inversely related to alveolar ventilation.


Values are averaged from multiple studies whose original reference appears in reference(s) cited.


Measured at moderate exercise (~140 W) at 5,260 m.


Measured at moderate exercise (~140 W) at 3,658 m.


Hemoglobin concentration reported in Refs. 7, 159.


Hemoglobin concentration reported in Refs. 132, 175.


Hemoglobin concentration reported in Ref. 9.


Hemoglobin concentration reported in Ref. 128.


Estimated from above SaO2 and hemoglobin values (without incorporation of dissolved O2).


Measured as internal carotid artery flow velocity at moderate exercise (~140 W) at 3,658 m.


Expressed as a percent of sea-level values measured using Doppler in Tibetans and the arterial-jugular difference in O2 content in Andeans.


Volumetric flow not reported, but Tibetans had greater flow velocity in Refs. 29, 107.


Summary numbers not available due to different study designs and methods in Refs. 58, 59.