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. 2017 Aug 16;313(5):G505–G510. doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.00197.2017

Table 1.

Participant baseline characteristics and effects of aprepitant and placebo on the primary end points

Data Median (IQR)
Aprepitant Placebo P Value
n 12 12
    Sex (F:M) 8:4 9:3 0.653
    Age, yr 34.5 (30.5, 47.0) 34.5 (27.0, 47.5) 0.840
    BMI, kg/m2 26.6 (25.3, 28.8) 23.8 (23.0, 28.7) 0.273
Gastric functions
    Gastric emptying solids T1/2, min 95.4 (85.7, 114.0) 99.8 (85.6, 120.0) 0.453
    Fasting GV, ml 191.8 (158.7, 216.4) 174.1 (136.6, 187.9) 0.037
    Postprandial GV, ml 675.5 (577.8, 746.9) 618.4 (590.6, 648.6) 0.004
    Accommodation GV, ml 476.1 (395.4, 531.3) 457.2 (429.1, 502.5) 0.047
Satiation (Ensure) drink test
    VTF, ml (= kcal) 630.0 (420.0, 750.0) 420.0 (345.0, 555.0) 0.248
    MTV, ml (= kcal) 1007.0 (886.8, 1066.5) 808.0 (711.0, 1046.5) 0.099
    Aggregate score (/400) 179.5 (164.5, 231.0) 119.5 (98.5, 169.5) 0.020
    Nausea score (/100) 36.0 (19.0, 48.5) 4.0 (1.0, 8.5) 0.023

Shown are the primary end points of gastric half-emptying time (T1/2) of solids and gastric volume (GV), assessed incorporating sex difference and body mass index (BMI) in the analysis, as well as the secondary end points of fasting and postprandial GVs and measurements related to satiation. There was no significant group difference in gastric emptying of solids, while the higher accommodation volume with aprepitant was significant. IQR, interquartile range; VTF, volume to fullness; MTV, maximum tolerated volume.