Figure 2.
Bayesian phylogenetic tree (A) and median-joining network (B) of the global sample of Plasmodium vivax mitochondrial lineages (n = 941). Circle sizes in B are proportional to haplotype frequencies, and pairs of haplotypes connected by a straight line differ by a single mutational step. The following color code was used to identify the geographic origin of parasites: red = Africa, dark blue = South America, light blue = Central America and Mexico, yellow = Atlantic Forest from southeast and South Brazil, brown = Middle East and Central Asia, orange = South Asia, green = Southeast Asia, dark purple = East Asia, and pink = Melanesia. Branches with posterior probabilities >0.70 are indicated with black circles in the phylogenetic tree; selected well-supported clades indicated in the figure (Ame1, Ame2, Atl, Afr1, Mel1, Sea1, and Sea2) are further discussed in the main text.