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. 2018 Jan 31;8:1993. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-19554-0

Table 1.

Global and regional levels of genetic diversity in Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax mitogenomes.

Regional population No. P. falciparum Isolates Nucleotide diversity Hd (SD) No. P. vivax isolates Nucleotide diversity Hd (SD)b
πa (SD)b θsc (SD)b πa (SD)b θsc (SD)b
AFRe 629 0.00026 (0.00001) 0.00486 (0.00094) 0.775 (0.014) 90 0.00043 (0.00005) 0.00254 (0.00068) 0.7930 (0.047)
CAMf 8 0.00035 (0.00007) 0.00027 (0.00017) 0.857 (0.108) 68 0.00008 (0.00002) 0.00040 (0.00015) 0.3510 (0.076)
EASg 125 0.00082 (0.00005) 0.00121 (0.00034) 0.9170 (0.015)
MCAh 30 0.00060 (0.00008) 0.00126 (0.00044) 0.9490 (0.023)
MELi 308 0.00028 (0.00002) 0.00113 (0.00028) 0.740 (0.019) 128 0.00045 (0.00005) 0.00178 (0.00047) 0.8669 (0.023)
SAMj 237 0.00018 (0.00002) 0.00160 (0.00039) 0.551(0.039) 238 0.00058 (0.00030) 0.00330 (0.00075) 0.9291 (0.012)
SEAk 532 0.00028 (0.00001) 0.00139 (0.00031) 0.773 (0.015) 160 0.00087 (0.00003) 0.00280 (0.00068) 0.9700 (0.006)
SOAl 81 0.00036 (0.00004) 0.00094 (0.00029) 0.858 (0.027) 102 0.00055 (0.00005) 0.00255 (0.00067) 0.9440 (0.018)
Total 1795 0.00036 (0.00002) 0.00708 (0.00118) 0.887 (0.0047) 941 0.00085 (0.00002) 0.00807 (0.00014) 0.9732 (0.0027)

aπ = average number of pairwise nucleotide differences per site; bSD = standard deviation; cθS = standardized number of segregating sites; dH = haplotype diversity; eAFR = Africa; fCAM = Central America; gEAS = East Asia (only P. vivax); hMCA = Middle East and Central Asia (only P. vivax); iMEL = Melanesia; jSAM = South America; kSEA = Southeast Asia; and lSOA = South Asia.